Our Marketing manager had a good chat with Thomas Siefert. He has been working in going green project: Bergwaldprojekt (Mountain Forest Project). So is the background of the page: http://bergwaldprojekt.org/en/
The suggestion was casual and yet the meaning was deep in it."Since you are in the tourism Business now, you should invest in protecting the Beauty and attractiveness of the natural Environment now"
However with the major logging of woods for common household purposes, he took it for impugn:
Oh yeah, this Kind of small scale logging isn't a Problem. Its when large scale Loggers pull out the resources for Export, bypassing the environmental control facilities by bribing and use of violence to the locals.The almighty situation as diseases getting more and more valiant like Ebola "The virus epidemic for death by fluid exchange" in current scenario, maybe we did what he assumes to be wrong:
good ideas Need time to take root. the last two Generations have abused the planet without care for nature because the damage to the planet wasn't quite visible yet. It is young People like you who have to take care of the sins of their ancestors.Then what can we do for the world itself:
The activities are, planting a mixed type of forest ecosystem, protecting trees from being eaten by the wild animals, constructing path ways on the mountain slopes for Service personnel and the mountain Service huts.On advice for the being what Nepal had been doing he was quite impressed by the moral our environment experts been asking we Nepalese to do:
two trees for every Person once a year... that is also an excellent idea. I might make a proposal like that hereBut new ideas need projects. And projects need fund. Thereby we need to help our surrounding by creating a mutual understanding about saving our nature.. Be it big business empire or a small village/town. Maybe we could start a project like the one in what Thomas suggests:
there is also a Project here for protecting the tropic rain forests. People here in Germany Kind of 'adopt' a parcel of the forest in South America, by making a donation to the organizers. and the organizer takes care of the parcel of forest to be preserved.There can be an initiation... That can come from us or jointly. We could monitor the actions or impose thresholds for monitoring.
There is also one suggestion I have that would save a lot of uncontrolled environmental destruction. My suggestion is to require a licence for purchasing and operating a chain saw, just like one needs a license for carrying a gun. Just like a gun, a chain saw kills people in the end by destroying the bio-sphere. The chain saw license should only be issued to People who passed a course in eco-System preservation. As long as any idiot can get his hands on a chain saw and walk out to cut down trees, it will be a matter of a few years before the world's forests are completely gone.Let's Save the Nature... We can save the beauty..
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